The South Dakota Perinatal Association hosts a two day conference yearly on the care of pregnant women and infants.
Membership: Any person interested in the delivery of perinatal and neonatal care is eligible for yearly membership.
Membership dues: Dues are determined by the Board of Directors which are currently $75 yearly which begin on June 1st and expire the following year on May 31st.
Board of Directors: Consist of the President, President-Elect, Treasurer, and Past President along with 10-12 board members which may include any combination of physicians, nurses and other health professionals. Members of the Board of Directors are elected to a four year term.
Planning Committee: Volunteers who would like to help plan the next conference can send an email of interest to the Board of Directors. The member is expected to be actively involved in the planning of the annual conference as evidenced by attending a minimum of 3 planning committee meetings. They are expected to bring at least one topic/suggestion of potential speaker to the committee and be responsible to confirm the speaker if chosen.